Dinner with Johnny Holliday, October 9, 2019

On Wednesday, October 9, legendary broadcaster Johnny Holliday returned to the Better Sport Club podium. He began by promising the crowd that all would be home in time to watch the NLDS Game 5, Washington Nationals v. the LA Dodgers!
Johnny quipped that he had “a curve ball, a sneaky fast ball and a giant loss of control.” And that’s why he took the path to sports radio via disc jockey and actor.
Johnny got his start in radio as a teenager when a broadcaster walked into Johnny’s grandfather’s store and offered him a job. He counseled, “Everything I did with no experience. For 63 years, I have been self-taught. Don’t ever think you can’t do something. It just takes some luck, being in the right place and someone giving you the opportunity.” He admitted that the theatrical stage was his Plan B. "If I wasn't doing this, I would be doing that."
Johnny regaled the crowd with many stories from sports to stage and back to sports. A favorite was a youthful memory of a national championship game in Atlanta with "not one All-American on the team—just a bunch of guys who blended-together." Sounded vaguely familiar and cast a little foreshadowing as the audience trickled home to watch the Nationals clinch the NLDS championship and advance in their quest to win the World Series.
At the end of the evening, Johnny autographed his book From Rock to Jock, and gave it to the lucky winner of the evening's door prize raffle.

Kip Davis was recognized by the Better Sports Club for his generous
commitment of time, support and inspiration to students and athletes in Arlington.
commitment of time, support and inspiration to students and athletes in Arlington.